Newspapers need to organize their information (text and multimedia documents) and make it easy for readers to find it easily.
Client: an editorial group
Need: to create the digital version of the newspaper.
Previous situation: only the printed version existed.
System description: Oracle database for data with Text option.
Implementation: The first thing that had to be done was to adapt the "Text option" to index documents in Spanish. Oracle didn't provide any help, it was ready to index in English and it seems that it had few clients in Spanish. The most important thing was to determine the words you didn't want to index. An inconsiderate Internet user could cause the DB to fall if he or she proposed to do so. Once this option was correctly parameterized, the data model was created based on the needs expressed in the interviews with the client and the developers who were going to develop the digital newspaper.
Project cost: 40 days+Oracle Text option
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