
Generating management reports from Oracle Financials

The comprehensive enterprise management systems such as Oracle Financials are very flexible, valid for all types of companies as long as they are customized for the particular needs of the companies. But this flexibility also entails a great complexity of the data model and, therefore, a great dependence on the products provided by Oracle and its partners, which do not always provide a solution to the particular needs of the client. The other solution is to dedicate additional work to searching for lost data.

Customer: a manufacturing company

Need: Generate specific reports on profitability.

Previous situation: many details of how the business was running were not known. Only the standard reports provided by Oracle Financials were available, as well as the results of a few queries that were executed on the database and the supposedly most reliable data of the different departments involved.

Determinants of the project: the data shown by Oracle Financials did not coincide with the data of the different departments due to the use of different criteria. The generation of the reports should not interfere with the functioning of the system.

Data structure: Flexibility oriented data model without recognizable field names or tables.

Solution chosen: It was chosen to access the tables directly with Crystal Reports, to have a fine control of the data that would be used in the reports.

Implementation: on the same production environment because there is no development environment. It was possible to match the reports with the data of the departments. It was studied how they differed from those provided by Oracle Financials and some inconsistencies were detected and corrected.

Project cost: 150 days x man + Crystal Reports license.

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