
Developing a Hadoop environment with Cloudera as a datawarehouse for an insurance company

Time is money. Business environment is constantly changing and being late for a potential market can lead to losing it. You have to find a way to be the first with the necessary quality. And to offer quality you have to know the market and the risks very well. And for all of this, having all the relevant data accessible is more necessary than ever.

Customer: Insurance company

Need: Study the market and customers to offer new types of insurance.

Previous situation: The data was dispersed over the internet, in the company's corporate data warehouse, in the logs of the corporate websites and in the affected departments. Some OLAP cubes had been developed in SQL Server Analysis Services to study the possibility of developing new markets but the information was insufficient and the pricing policy could not be fine-tuned to cover potential risks or determine what customers would be willing to pay for the risks covered.

Implementation: After discarding a classic development with the company's resources for the time it was estimated it would take to develop it, a Hadoop environment was created with Cloudera in which all available data was dumped with hardly any treatment. Programs were created that captured data in real time from campaigns and opinion studies that were created on the web. And access was given to the departments involved to consult the data in real time. SSAS OLAP cubes were enriched with new data and new cubes were created. And also virtual OLAP cubes were created directly in the Cluster of Cloudera with Atscale for a direct consultation of the data without the need to copy them again in another system. These new virtual cubes could be accessed with Excel, Power BI or Tableau sheets depending on the preference of the department. All the information was indexed with Cloudera Search in order to do non-standard searches. Certain company employees were also trained to search for information with Apache Hue and Apache Impala.

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